• 3 Days
  • Maximum Capacity: 10
  • Adult

  • Child

  • Infant

From 1,000.00 Per Adult
From 500.00 Per Child
From 500.00 Per Infant


Jerusalem, a city steeped in millennia of history and spirituality, stands as a beacon for pilgrims and travelers alike. As the epicenter of many religious traditions, its Catholic heritage is deeply rooted in the sacred sites, ancient churches, and rich traditions that echo through its streets. Discover the must-visit Catholic landmarks in Jerusalem that offer a profound connection to the history and faith of Christianity.


3 Days

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Explore the Catholic Heritage of Jerusalem

1. Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the most significant Christian site in Jerusalem, believed to be the location of Jesus' crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City, this ancient church is a place of deep reverence and pilgrimage. Visitors can explore the Church's various chapels and significant points, including the Stone of Anointing and the Tomb of Christ. The Church’s rich history and spiritual significance make it a cornerstone of any pilgrimage.

2. Via Dolorosa

The Via Dolorosa, or the "Way of Sorrows," is the path that Jesus is believed to have walked on the way to his crucifixion. Pilgrims follow this sacred route, stopping at the 14 Stations of the Cross that mark significant events along the way. Starting at the Lions’ Gate and culminating at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, walking the Via Dolorosa is a profound experience of prayer and reflection.

3. Cenacle (Room of the Last Supper)

The Cenacle, located on Mount Zion, is traditionally held to be the site of the Last Supper. This room also commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost. While the current structure dates back to the Crusader period, its significance as the place where Jesus shared His final meal with His disciples makes it an essential visit for pilgrims.

4. Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives is a place of great importance in the life of Jesus and in Christian tradition. It is here that Jesus ascended into heaven, and where He often came to pray. Key sites include the Church of the Pater Noster, where Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer, the Dominus Flevit Church, which commemorates Jesus weeping over Jerusalem, and the Garden of Gethsemane, where He prayed before His arrest. The adjacent Church of All Nations marks the site of His agony in the garden.

5. Basilica of the Agony (Church of All Nations)

Located at the foot of the Mount of Olives, the Basilica of the Agony, also known as the Church of All Nations, is built over the rock where Jesus prayed on the night of His betrayal. The church's stunning mosaics and serene atmosphere provide a place for contemplation and prayer, reflecting the sorrowful yet hopeful spirit of the Passion of Christ.

6. St. Anne’s Church

St. Anne’s Church, situated near the Pools of Bethesda, is a beautiful Crusader-era church traditionally believed to be the birthplace of the Virgin Mary. Renowned for its remarkable acoustics, the church is a serene and historic site where visitors can reflect on the early life of Mary and the miracles performed by Jesus at the nearby pools.

7. Dormition Abbey

Located on Mount Zion, the Dormition Abbey marks the site where the Virgin Mary is believed to have fallen into eternal sleep. This impressive basilica, with its stunning mosaics and peaceful crypt, is a place of deep Marian devotion. The Abbey also offers breathtaking views of the city from its rooftop.

8. Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu

This church, built on the slopes of Mount Zion, commemorates Peter's denial of Jesus and his subsequent repentance. The name "Gallicantu" means "cock-crow," recalling the Gospel account of Peter's threefold denial. The church offers a panoramic view of Jerusalem and is built over ancient ruins, including what is believed to be the prison where Jesus was held.

9. Church of the Visitation

Located in the village of Ein Karem, the Church of the Visitation commemorates the meeting between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, as described in the Gospel of Luke. The church is adorned with beautiful artwork depicting this joyful encounter, and its peaceful setting offers a place for reflection and prayer.

10. Church of the Nativity

A short journey from Jerusalem brings you to Bethlehem, where the Church of the Nativity marks the birthplace of Jesus. This ancient basilica, one of the oldest continuously operating churches in the world, is a profound site of pilgrimage. Visitors can descend into the Grotto of the Nativity and see the spot where Jesus was born, marked by a silver star.

Jerusalem's Catholic heritage

Offers a deep and meaningful connection to the life of Jesus and the early Christian community. Each of these sacred sites invites pilgrims and travelers to experience the profound spiritual and historical legacy of this holy city. Plan your visit to Jerusalem and embark on a journey that will enrich your faith and deepen your understanding of the roots of Christianity.

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